Effective September 6, 2017, Level B Water Use Regulations will be implemented for all City of Madera residents. As a result, watering days will increase from two days per week to three.
The City of Madera would like to remind residents that landscape irrigation consumes over half of the water used around most homes. Many people tend to water too often and leave the sprinklers on for too long. Though the City is moving to a watering schedule where increased watering days are available, it is important that residents continue to conserve where they can and use only as much water as necessary.
Please see the water conservation resources on the City’s website for more information.
Additionally, the City continues to offer rebates for timers, turf replacement and other water saving devices; more information is available on the city’s website at www.madera.gov/rebates. To inquire about water regulations or report abuses, residents can contact the City’s Water Conservation Supervisor by using the contact form available on our website at www.madera.gov/report, or by calling 1 (559) 661-5466 on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Vonny McPherson • Water Meter/Conservation Supervisor
P: 1 (559) 662-4932
E: lmcpherson@madera.gov