Developers and entrepreneurs alike now have new reason to think Madera when pursuing new business interests in the Central Valley. This comes as three new development incentive programs were adopted by the Madera City Council during Wednesday night’s City Council meeting.
“This city deserves great opportunities to eat, to dine, for retail, and to do business,” said Councilmember Charles Rigby at the well-attended meeting. “This is a great way that we can show as a council that we have vision for that and we’re going to continue to move forward.”
Spearheaded by a City Council subcommittee comprised of councilmembers Will Oliver, Charles Rigby, and Jose Rodriguez, a series of meetings were held with community groups to identify ways the City could make it easier for property owners and builders to invest in Madera.
What resulted was the introduction of three new incentive programs that provided for significant savings in city permit and processing fees for projects taking place in the following categories: the development and redevelopment of properties in downtown Madera; the remodel and renovation of older buildings and buildings that have experienced long vacancies anywhere in the City; and building projects that will be used in conjunction with tax exempt, non-profit operations. No-cost permit streamlining services were also introduced as a way of helping to expedite projects through the permitting process.
The council voted unanimously to adopt the resolution, allowing for the incentive programs to become active, effective immediately. Though there currently is no deadline, members of the council discussed limiting the availability of the incentive programs at a future date by amending them to include a sunset, emphasizing that those interested should “get in while the getting’s good.”
View the report to City Council with more information about the incentive programs here.
Those interested in learning more about the new incentive programs can view them on the City of Madera’s website: Questions should be directed towards Dave Merchen, Community Development Director, at 1 (559) 661-5430 or