City of Madera:

March 1, 2019

Council, city staff participate in ‘Read Across America’

Councilman Steve Montes and members of City staff were excited to read their favorite childhood books to Ms. Gallegos’s 2nd grade class of All Stars. Chief of Police Lawson and Communications Specialist Carrello went with classic Seuss tales, while Montes chose the Drew Daywalt classic “The Day the Crayons Came Home.”

On or around March 2nd of every year, students come together with their favorite books to “Read Across America.” We can’t think of a better way to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s Birthday than coming together and motivating young minds to read!

Fun note–two of the three guest readers are John Adams alumni. One was in Ms. Gallegos’s Kindergarten class! #GoAllStars#MaderaProud