City of Madera:

April 23, 2021

City receives Highway Safety Improvement Program Cycle 10 funding

Senate Bill 137, effective October 8, 2019, added Section 182.85 to the Streets and Highways Code that authorizes Caltrans to allow up to $100 million of federal-local assistance funds to be exchanged for non-federal State Highway Account funds.  The exchange requires funds to be used by a city, county, or other eligible recipients on projects for purposes for which the federal-local assistance funds being exchanged were originally intended in order to meet national transportation goals and performance management measures and must satisfy the intent of the Legislature. The City applied for funding to be utilized for a Granada Drive Pedestrian Improvements project and was recently informed funding was approved. The project consists of installing curb ramps, concrete median island refuge area, high visibility crosswalk, and Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacons (RRFBs), and sidewalk.