City of Madera:

May 18, 2021

City of Madera partners with Madera Irrigation District for water project

MID Board of Directors and City Council Members next to the newly installed Golf Course Recharge Basin sign.
(From left front row: Council Member Anita Evans, City Mayor Santos Garcia, MID Director Dave Loquaci, MID Director Carl Janzen, City Mayor Pro Tem Artemio Villegas. From back row left: Council Member Jose Rodriguez, MID Director Brian Davis, MID Vice President Rick Cosyns, and MID President Jim Erickson)

Groundwater is vital for the community of Madera, particularly in dry years such as 2021. When surface water is limited due to inadequate rainfall and snowpack, Madera is even more heavily reliant on groundwater. To help ensure groundwater sustainability for Madera both now and into the future, projects and programs must be developed and completed. The planned groundwater projects and programs for Madera Irrigation District (MID) and the City of Madera (City) are outlined in the Madera Subbasin Joint Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP).

Through partnering efforts, MID and the City are pleased to announce a cooperative groundwater recharge project has recently been constructed at the Madera Municipal Golf Course. This project, which entails a connection between MID’s facilities and the water hazard located between Holes #5, #6, and #7, is a result of collaborative efforts between MID and the City. The project not only will allow for groundwater recharge in the water hazard, but will also provide recreational benefits to golfers when the basin is filled.

“MID is excited that this project, which has long been discussed, has come to fruition. It is a win-win-win for the City, MID, and the entire Madera community. We look forward to a year when surface water supplies are sufficient to utilize this new facility” stated Dave Loquaci, MID Board Member.

“The City is proud to partner with MID for this project. Directly advancing the goals of the City and MID by optimizing our groundwater sustainability efforts remains a key priority. We are excited about the direct benefits this project will bring to our community” stated Santos Garcia, Mayor, City of Madera.

Thomas Greci, General Manager, 1 (559) 673-3514
Arnoldo Rodriguez, City Manager, 1 (559) 661-5402