Residents can now watch City Council meetings LIVE or post-meeting anytime from the comfort of their homes or office.
The public can view scheduled meetings on the City’s new website at (click on the “LIVE” link displayed in the top menu) or by navigating directly to the City of Madera’s LIVE webpage at After live webcasts conclude, on-demand meeting videos will be available both on the City’s YouTube Channel and on the City Council Meetings & Agendas page.
“We are always looking for new ways to involve the greater community and to inform Maderans of important City decisions,” said Madera Mayor Andy Medellin. “I understand many cannot attend council meetings,” Medellin said. “So using this technology will bring City Hall to them. Every effort must be made to be transparent and include everyone in the City.”
Using a combination of open-source and freely available technologies, the City has developed their own implementation of live streaming services in-house, providing them with the ability to offer this new service at no additional expense.
“Great communities are built on participation,” said David Tooley, Madera City Administrator. “Benjamin Franklin observed that democracy is like two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch,” said Tooley. “Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”
Regular meetings of the Madera City Council are held the first and third Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers at Madera City Hall.
Joseph Carrello • Communications Specialist
P: (559) 661-5482