Travel conveniently from neighborhoods to shopping centers, local schools, medical offices, and work sites on the Madera Metro fixed-route transit services. For those who need curbside pick-up and drop-offs, Dial-A-Ride (DAR) services will get you there.
To file a complaint, please complete the Customer Complaint Form (English | Spanish) and return to the General Manager by mail to 1951 Independence Drive, Madera, CA 93637.
Visit us on Facebook at Madera Metro to stay current on all news as it relates to routes, updates, and passenger guidelines.
For Up to Date Service Alerts, Click Here.
To begin planning your trip, click on the Madera Metro logo below:
The City of Madera is a Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant recipient. It is the policy of the City to ensure that DBEs have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in FTA-funded contracts. Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, March 27, 2025 in the Madera City Council Chambers, at 11:00am, the Grants Department of the City of Madera will hold a public meeting to consult with the public on this matter. For more details, Click Here.
Holiday Service Hours
- New Year's Day - Wednesday, January 1 - No Service
- Martin Luther King - Monday, January 20 - Modified Service (9am - 4pm)
- President’s Day - Monday, February 17 - Modified Service (9am - 4pm)
- Memorial Day - Monday, May 26 - Modified Service (9am - 4pm)
- Juneteenth - Thursday, June 19 - Modified Service (9am - 4pm)
- Independence Day - Friday, July 4 - No Service
- Labor Day - Monday, September 1 - Modified Service (9am - 4pm)
- Columbus Day - Monday, October 13 - Modified Service (9am - 4pm)
- Veteran’s Day - Tuesday, November 11 - Modified Service (9am - 4pm)
- Thanksgiving Day - Thursday, November 27 - No Service
- Day after Thanksgiving - Friday, November 28 - Modified Service (9am - 4pm)
- Christmas Eve - Wednesday, December 24 - Modified Schedule (9am - 4pm)
- Christmas Day - Thursday, December 25 - No Service
- New Year’s Eve - Wednesday, December 31 - Modified Schedule (9am - 4pm)
*Modified Schedule - Service will be provided following the Fixed Route Saturday Schedule. Please note that no services will be offered for the Blue or Green Lines during a Modified Schedule.
Fixed Route Service
Madera Metro is comprised of four fixed routes each with its unique color system. Below are links to the maps and schedules. Click links to view.
There is no Saturday service for the Green or Blue Lines.
Madera Metro would like to thank our riders for their patience while we finalize our stops. Please note that while our Blue Line schedule reflects a final destination to the Amtrak Station, this stop is currently paused. The final stop for the Blue Line will be Matilda Torres High School.
Madera Metro quisiera agradecer a nuestros pasajeros por su paciencia mientras finalizamos nuestras paradas. Por favor tome nota que mientras que el horario para la Línea Azul demuestra una parada en la estación del Amtrak, en este momento esta parada está pausada. La última parada para la Línea Azul será Matilda Torres High School.
April 18, 2022 - Effective Immediately
As a result of a court order, effective April 18, 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) January 29, 2021 Order requiring masks on public transportation conveyances and at transportation hubs is no longer in effect. Therefore, CDC will not enforce the Order. CDC continues to recommend that people wear masks in indoor public transportation settings at this time.
Dial-A-Ride Service (DAR)
- Beginning January 1, 2023, the general public will be allowed access to the Madera Dial-A-Ride (DAR) Transit System. The general public consist of ages 59 and under.
- Beginning January 23, 2023, fare cost for passengers ages 18 - 59 will be $3.00 per reservation/trip. Passengers 17 and under, 60+, Veterans, and Disable will be allowed to travel at no cost.
Madera Dial-A-Ride (DAR) is a general public, curb-to-curb, demand-response public transit system operated by the City of Madera for passengers. DAR can be used for work, medical appointments, school, meetings, senior service, events and much more. Vehicle are wheelchair lift-equipped. DAR should not be used for emergency or critical medical transport.
To make a reservation, please call 661-RIDE (661-7433). Please be sure to include day(s), time, pick up and drop off location, and any other special request. All reservations for Sunday must be made by 5:00pm Friday.
Service Area Map
Dial-A-Ride English | Spanish Brochure
ADA/Paratransit Service (ADAP)
City of Madera Transit Services provide ADA/Paratransit (ADAP) Service for Seniors (60+), Veterans, and ADA Eligible passengers. ADAP can be used for work, medical appointments, school, meetings, senior service, events and much more. ADAP should not be used for emergency or critical medical transport.
To make a reservation, please call 661-RIDE (661-7433). Please be sure to include day(s), time, pick up and drop off location, and any other special request. All reservations for Sunday must be made by 5:00pm Friday.
Beginning January 23, 2023, the Fare cost of all Companions of ADAP Passengers will be $3.00 per trip. Eligible ADAP passengers and Personal Care Attendants (PCA's) will be allowed to continue to use the service at no cost.
To apply for ADAP services, please complete and return the application by mail to the General Manager at 1951 Independence Drive, Madera, Ca. 93637. The eligibility criterion for this program is mandated by the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 and will be used to determine if you are eligible for priority services through DAR/ADAP.
Service Area Map
ADA/ Paratransit English | Spanish Brochure
ADA/ Paratransit Introduction Letter English / Spanish
ADA/ Paratransit Application* English / Spanish
* In place of the required Doctors signature, applicants may include a copy of the ADA Identification Card or Include a copy of a reference letter from the physicians office.
ADA/ Paratransit Certification Requirements English / Spanish
ADA/ Paratransit Riding Policy (Currently being revised)