We invite you to use services that are available to keep you and us better informed.
View the Community Crime Map to review current crime statistics for any area of the city.
Receive up-to-date information affecting your neighborhood by e-mail & text message!
Nixle is a community information service provider built exclusively to provide secure and reliable communications. It is the first authenticated and secure service that connects municipal agencies and community organizations to residents in real time, delivering information to geographically targeted consumers over their cell phones (via text message), through e-mails and via Web access.
To Register:
· Go to www.nixle.com
· Click “Sign Up Now”
· Create an account choosing an User Name and Password
· Enter an e-mail address and cell phone number where you would like to receive messages
· Enter your address ( or a nearby intersection)
· Click “Sign Me Up”
You can also text your zip code to 888777 to register!
To find a registered sex offender, please visit the Megan's Law website.
If you would like to obtain a copy of your criminal history, you must complete the following:
Local Criminal Offender Record Information
Local criminal history is that criminal history which is on file with the Madera Police Department. You may obtain a check of your own local criminal history from this agency. However, the California Department of Justice must be contacted to obtain your state record (see below). To check your local criminal history, fill out the application, accurately and completely, and bring it to the Madera Police Department with a photo ID. A fee of $25 cash is required to process your request.
State Criminal Offender Record Information
California Penal Code Sections 11120 through 11127 afford persons concerning whom a State Summary Criminal History Record is maintained in the files of the California Bureau of Criminal Identification the opportunity to obtain a copy of the record compiled from such files and refute any erroneous or inaccurate information contained therein.
For information in obtaining a State Summary Criminal History Record, you will need to contact:
Bureau of Criminal Identification
California Department of Justice
P.O. Box 903417
Sacramento, CA 94203-4170.
(916) 227-3849
At a minimum, we require the following information to process requests for copies of police reports:
There may be fees associated (see fee schedule, below) with obtaining your copy of the report. Should additional fees apply, submit proper payment to insure prompt handling of your request. Allow 7-10 days for your request to be processed.
In order to obtain a restraining order, please contact the Madera Superior Court at 1 (559) 416-5525. For more information about restraining orders in Madera, please see the Superior Court's website.
Police Non-Emergency: 1 (559) 675-4220
Crime Tip Hotline: 1 (559) 675-4242
Online: FRONTLINE reporting system
Please see our contact form to report an issue online.