Madera County Local Hazard Mitigation Plan 2018
The Planning Department is located at 205 W. 4th Street. The Planning Department customer service counter is open Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
For more information on Planning Department forms, permits, the development submittal process, available maps of the Madera General Plan, Zoning, other thematic maps, and the Planning Department Fee Schedule, click on the links in the tabs.
Brandi Garcia
Administrative Assistant
1 (559) 661-5432
Robert Smith
Senior Planner
1 (559) 662-4916
Adileni Rueda
Assistant Planner
1 (559) 661-5425
The Planning Department serves as staff to the Madera Planning Commission.
Submitting an application to the City? Use the following links to download the required forms, which can be printed out on your home or office printer.
All applications require the completion of an application form. Many applications also require submittal of an operational statement. On occasion, staff requires that an environmental checklist be provided as a component of a complete application. Before you submit an application, you may wish to contact the Planning Division to ensure that you have all of the required elements, and that you have computed fees correctly. Applications which are lacking required elements will not be accepted by the Planning Division. Please call a planner at 1 (559) 661-5430 if you have any questions about completing the forms.
Please submit all applications and required documents to
For inquiries please email
2020 Development Application (Home Occupation Permit)
2020 Subdivision Sign Review Application
Planning Department Operational Statement
The Planning Department is responsible for the long range planning efforts of the City as well as the processing of current development requests. The Planning Department endeavors to process all entitlement applications in a timely fashion. To that end, entitlement project checklists are available in order to assist the applicant in the preparation of a complete application.
The checklists also provide additional information that helps the applicant understand the particulars of the application process.
Whether completing review of residential subdivisions, completing site plan review for an apartment complex, processing a conditional use permit, or assessing the feasibility of a variance to the zoning ordinances, Planning Department staff make every effort to provide exemplary customer service to all clients.
Click here to view Madera Planning Commission Agendas & Minutes.
The Planning Commission is comprised of seven members who are individually appointed by the Mayor and each member of the Madera City Council. Appointees serve four-year terms and must reside within city limits. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month beginning at 6:00 pm.
Responsibilities include developing, maintaining, and amending the General Plan and Specific Plans as deemed appropriate; discretionary approval of development proposals, including subdivisions, use permits, and variances; and discussion of overall planning for the City, including ordinances, special studies, zoning, subdivisions, and signs, with recommendations to the Madera City Council.
Avenue 17 and 99
Tozer III
Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Admin Draft
Ellis/Fairview Annexation & Subdivision
Date | Agendas | Adopted Minutes | |
10/30/2024 | View Combined | ----- | |
04/02/2024 | View Combined | ----- | |
01/31/2024 | View Combined | ----- | |
01/23/2024 | View Combined | ----- |
Date | Agendas | Adopted Minutes |
Date | Agendas | Adopted Minutes | |
03/07/2022 | View Combined | ----- |
Date | Agendas | Adopted Minutes | |
12/16/2021 | View Combined | ----- | |
11/23/2021 | View Combined | ----- | |
07/12/2021 | View Combined | ----- | |
02/02/2021 | View Combined | ----- |
Date | Agendas | Reports | Adopted Minutes |
12/20/2022 | View Combined | View Combined | ----- |
03/15/2022 | View Combined | View Combined | ----- |
03/22/2022 | View Combined | View Combined | ----- |
Date | Agendas | Reports | Adopted Minutes |
01/01/2021 | View Combined | View Combined | ----- |
On November 8, 2016, California voters passed Proposition 64, the Control, Regulate, and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana (“AUMA”) Act. This law legalizes nonmedical, recreational marijuana, subject to the regulation of local government jurisdictions in the State of California.
For information related to the City of Madera's Cannabis Ordinance, please visit our Cannabis Resources page.
The Housing Element is one of the ten State-mandated “elements” or chapters of a local jurisdiction’s General Plan. It outlines policies and programs to address the existing and future housing needs of all community segments, including various household types, special needs populations, and all income levels within the jurisdiction.
Madera is currently updating its 6th cycle Housing Element for the years 2024-2032 and invites community participation through outreach meetings, providing input, and staying updated on progress.
The Housing Element must meet detailed statutory requirements and undergo mandatory review by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).
Please participate in the Housing Element Update Survey by following the links in the Community Engagement section below.
Housing Element Community Meeting #1:
March 21, 2023 (View Recording)
March 21, 2023 (View Slides)
The Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) is mandated by State Housing Law as part of the periodic process of updating local Housing Elements. The State Office of Housing and Community Development (HCD) projects population growth by geographic region and designates the regional Councils of Government (COGs) to allocate potential growth among jurisdictions within the regions. The Housing Element must identify “adequate sites” to accommodate estimated growth, and the City must provide the programs, policies, and appropriate zoning to incentivize this growth.
While the City may assist with the development of affordable housing through various programs and funding sources, it is not responsible for constructing housing directly. Instead, the City ensures adequate opportunities for housing development through zoning and removing regulatory impediments.
Through this analysis, the City identifies priority goals, policies, and programs to address the housing needs of current and future residents. The Housing Element Update must also include a specific site analysis to demonstrate that the RHNA targets can be met. If not, the Update must indicate specific properties that will be rezoned to meet the RHNA within the required time limit.
Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) is a set of federal and state laws requiring jurisdictions to combat housing discrimination, eliminate racial bias, undo historic segregation patterns, and lift barriers to foster inclusive communities and ensure fair housing choices. The 6th Cycle Housing Element Update must study whether the City meets these AFFH principles and take deliberate action to address disparities resulting from past segregation.
More information about AFFH can be found on HCD’s website.
Community engagement is critical for the success of the Housing Element Update. The Madera community will have multiple opportunities to collaborate through community workshops, focus groups, surveys, and Planning Commission/City Council public meetings. Stay tuned for upcoming participation opportunities, which will be posted on this webpage as they become available.
The first draft of the 6th Cycle Housing Element update has been posted to this webpage (see below) for a 30-day public review ending on April 2, 2025.
The community is encouraged to submit comments or questions to our Community Development Director, Will Tackett, at
View the Draft 2024-2032 Housing Element Update.