The City of Madera Classification Plan is approved by the City Council. The Job Descriptions found on this website outline essential functions, major responsibilities and qualifications for various jobs within the City.
- Accountant I
Under immediate supervision, performs routine and less complex professional level accounting tasks and duties assigned to classes within the Accountant series including maintaining, developing and analyzing fiscal statements and records; prepares financial statements in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and Governmental Accounting Standards; learns policies, procedures and work methods associated with assigned duties; performs other related duties as required.
- Accountant II
The Accountant II is the full journey level class in the professional Accountant series. An Accountant II is expected to perform the full range of professional accounting work including the more complex and technical accounting functions. Incumbents are expected to have a thorough knowledge of governmental accounting systems and procedures. This classification is distinguished from the next lower classification of Accountant I by the performance of the more complex accounting functions including detailed federal and state reporting requirements.
- Accounting Technician I
The Accounting Technician I is the entry level class in the Accounting Technician series and, initially under closer supervision and within well established procedural guidelines, is responsible for performing the more routine supporting accounting functions. An incumbent may advance to the next higher classification of Accounting Technician II upon meeting the employment standards for that class and receiving approval of the Department Head. This classification is distinguished from the Accounting Technician II classification by the lower level of complexity of the work performed and a lesser independence of operation. Incumbents in this class are expected to learn procedures and practices and to perform increasingly more complex work over a period of time.
- Accounting Technician II
The Accounting Technician II is the journey level class in the Accounting Technician series and is responsible for a full range of financial record keeping transactions including accounts payable, accounts receivable, utility billing, collection and taxation. Incumbents may be assigned a variety of accounting related responsibilities and are expected to perform more detailed non-professional accounting duties. This classification is distinguished from the next lower level classification of Accounting Technician I by the performance of the full range of duties working with minimal supervision and performing the more complex assignments in all areas.
- Accounting Technician III
The Accounting Technician III is the advanced journey level class in the Accounting Technician series and is responsible for a full range of financial record keeping transactions including performing the most complex accounts payable, accounts receivable, utility billing, collection, taxation and the billing & collection of business license fees. Incumbents may be assigned a variety of accounting related responsibilities and are expected to perform more complex non-professional accounting duties and provide lead direction to other staff. This classification is distinguished from the next lower level classification of Accounting Technician II by the performance of the full range of duties working with minimal supervision and performing the more complex assignments in all areas.
- Administrative Analyst I/II
The Administrative Analyst I is a professional level class in which the incumbent is expected to independently perform comprehensive administrative analysis, conduct research on new and current program activities as assigned, and make recommendations on programmatic and policy changes. The Administrative Analyst II is an advanced professional level class in which the incumbent demonstrates full knowledge of all department and City functions and takes full responsibility for a broad range of assigned departmental programs.
- Administrative Assistant
The Administrative Assistant is an advanced journey level class which performs a variety of complex and responsible clerical, technical, and administrative support to the Department Manager and other department management staff. The incumbent serves as an office manager, relieving the Department Manager from performing administrative detail work, and is expected to function with very little direct oversight and with a great deal of sensitivity and confidentiality. This class is distinguished from the class of Administrative Secretary by the more complex, responsible, and technical duties related to its functioning as the support to a department manager, by the confidential nature of work performed, and by the greater exercise of discretion and judgment.
- Animal Control Officer
To enforce City ordinances governing the care and keeping of domestic animals and livestock in an effort to maintain public safety and welfare; to answer calls and investigate complaints related to animal control operations; to arrange for the collection, impoundment and transport of stray, injured, vicious, diseased and dead animals to appropriate locations; to maintain detailed and accurate records; and to perform related duties and responsibilities as required.
- Assistant Engineer
Under general supervision, performs professional engineering work in the design, evaluation and construction of street, storm, sewer, and other public work projects; reviews engineering reports, drawings and calculations for buildings, structures, streets, sewers and other public works facilities to ensure compliance with codes, regulations and ordinances; performs other related duties as required.
- Assistant Planner
Under general supervision, performs more routine and less complex professional land use and urban planning work; assists in current and/or long range planning projects; assists with implementation of the general plan and related issues; performs other related duties as required.
- Associate Civil Engineer
Under direction, performs the more complex professional and technical civil engineering work in the design, investigation, inspection, and construction of street, storm, sewer, parks, park irrigation systems, buildings, and other projects; maintains appropriate work records; performs other related duties as required.
- Associate Planner
Under direction, performs professional land use and urban planning work including current and long range planning and implementation of the City’s General Plan; reviews complex zoning and development applications; coordinates special projects; performs other related duties as required.
- Chief Building Official
Under administrative direction, plans, manages, oversees and directs the operations and services of the Building Department which includes the conduct of building inspection, permit processing and code enforcement and compliance activities; coordinates activities with other City officials, departments, outside agencies and organizations; provides responsible and complex staff support to the City Council and City Administrator; performs other related duties as required.
- City Clerk
Under policy direction, plans, manages, oversees and directs the operations and services of the City Clerk’s Office, which includes the performance of statutory duties and the preparation, posting and maintenance of agendas, minutes and records for the City Council as proscribed by statute; coordinates program activities with other City officials or outside agencies; performs related duties as required.
- City Engineer
Under administrative direction, plans, organizes and directs the City's engineering, construction management, and capital improvement activities; to serve as City Engineer; to advise the Director of Community Development, the Public Works Director, the City Manager and the City Council regarding engineering matters; and performs related work as required.
- City Manager
Under policy direction, serves as the Chief Administrative Officer of the City and directs the activities and operation of all departments; advises and assists the City Council in the conduct of City business; provides administrative oversight to the operational and policy functions of City government; coordinates City business with the various programs, officials and outside agencies; provides a variety of other responsible and complex administrative support to the City Council; performs other related duties as required.
- Code Enforcement Officer I
Under general supervision assists in the inspection of residential dwellings and commercial buildings to identify violations and to cite and enforce provisions of the City Municipal Code and California Health and Safety Code; recommends improvements in neighborhoods with regard to unsafe and substandard buildings; performs other related duties as required.
- Code Enforcement Officer II
Under general supervision assists in the inspection of residential dwellings and commercial buildings to identify violations and to cite and enforce provisions of the City Municipal Code and California Health and Safety Code; recommends improvements in neighborhoods with regard to unsafe and substandard buildings; performs other related duties as required.
- Code Enforcement Officer III
Under general supervision performs the most complex assignments in the inspection of residential dwellings and commercial buildings to identify violations and to cite and enforce provisions of the City Municipal Code and California Health and Safety Code; recommends improvements in neighborhoods with regard to unsafe and substandard buildings; performs other related duties as required.
- Code Enforcement Supervisor
Under direction, performs a variety of supervisory, administrative and technical work in activities in code enforcement, neighborhood preservation and graffiti programs; develops and implements department policies, programs and procedures; ensures safe work practices, work quality and accuracy; maintains appropriate work records; performs other related duties as required.
- Combination Building Inspector
Under direction; performs skilled inspection work in the enforcement of building, zoning, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, housing and related codes and regulations governing the construction, alteration, repair and use of buildings and structures; assists in the review of building plans and zoning codes and laws; performs other related duties as required.
- Communications Specialist
Under direction of the Communications Manager, oversees the City’s digital communication program, including but not limited to the City’s website, day-to-day operations of social media, video production and graphic creation; prepares visual presentations by designing art and copy layouts or digital media files to include video covering all aspects of digital production, including quality audio. Coordinates, implements and prepares materials for public information, marketing, publication and publicity activities of the City’s various departments and programs; performs other related duties as required.
- Computer Technician I
Under supervision, performs general technical support functions, including physical installation, assembly, configuration and maintenance of the personal computer network linking all City departments. Troubleshoots and upgrades computer hardware, software, personal computer networks, peripheral equipment and City-wide electronic mail systems; assesses user training needs and trains users in effective use of applications; makes recommendations regarding hardware and software acquisitions; prepares documentation and provides user assistance to City staff; and performs related work as required. An essential element of this classification is the provision of prompt and effective problem-solving and troubleshooting to City employees through a centralized help desk when system failures or dysfunctions occur.
- Computer Technician II
Under general supervision of the Director of Information Technology, performs complex technical support functions, including physical installation, assembly, configuration and maintenance of the personal computer network linking all City departments. Troubleshoots and upgrades computer hardware, software, personal computer networks, peripheral equipment and City-wide electronic mail systems; assesses user training needs and trains users in effective use of applications; makes recommendations regarding hardware and software acquisitions; prepares documentation and provides user assistance to City staff; and performs related work as required. An essential element of this classification is the provision of prompt and effective problem-solving and troubleshooting to City employees through a centralized help desk when system failures or dysfunctions occur.
- Construction Inspection Supervisor
Under direction, plans, coordinates, assigns, participates in, directs and supervises the day-to-day operation of the construction inspection division within the Engineering Department; trains Construction Inspector I/II incumbents; works collaboratively with project managers and professional engineering staff to ensure successful outcomes within area of responsibility; performs other related duties as required.
- Construction Inspector II
Under direction, performs the full array of duties assigned to classes in the Construction Inspector series including paraprofessional engineering office and field work involving inspection, field testing and surveying; demonstrates a full understanding of all applicable policies, procedures and work methods associated with assigned duties; assists in the training and lead supervision of lower level positions if assigned; performs other related duties as required.
- Construction Inspector I
Under general supervision, performs the full array of duties assigned to classes in the Construction Inspector series including preparing reports, taking samples and arranging for laboratory testing; demonstrates a full understanding of all applicable policies, procedures and work methods associated with assigned duties; performs other related duties as required.
- Crime Analysis Technician
Under direction, collects, analyzes, prepares and disseminates information regarding criminal activity; facilitates inter and intra-departmental information sharing; works with community groups and individuals in providing programs; provides public information and outreach; maintains appropriate work records; serves as a technical resource for Police personnel; performs related duties as required.
Click for more information about Crime Analysis Technician.
- Deputy City Clerk
Under general direction, assists the City Clerk in the direction, planning, and coordination of the City Clerk’s office; including performing statutory and constitutional duties; assist in providing information to citizens, fellow employees, and other requesting entities in accordance with local and state laws; assist in the maintenance of accurate records of all proceedings of the City Council; performs related duties as required.
- Deputy City Engineer
Under general direction, plans, supervises, evaluates and participates in professional and technical civil engineering work in the design, investigation, inspection, and construction of street, storm drainage facilities, sanitary sewer facilities, parks, park irrigation systems, water production and distribution facilities, buildings, and other projects; ensures safe work practices, work quality and accuracy; maintains appropriate work records; serves as a technical resource for assigned work staff; performs other related duties as required.
- Director of Community Development
Under administrative direction, plans manages, oversees and directs the operations and services of the Community Development Department which includes engineering, planning, building inspection and compliance, and capital facility planning; coordinates activities with other City officials, departments, outside agencies and organizations; provides responsible and complex staff support to the City Council and City Administrator; performs other related duties as required.
- Director of Financial Services
Under administrative direction, plans, manages, oversees and directs the operations and services of the Financial Services Department which includes utility billing, business licensing, general accounting, expenditure control, purchasing, fleet and grants administration; coordinates activities with other City officials, departments, outside agencies and organizations; maintains the City’s investment portfolio; provides responsible and complex staff support to the City Council and City Administrator; performs other related duties as required.
- Director of Human Resources
Under administrative direction, plans, manages, oversees and directs the operations and services of the Human Resources Department which includes selection, classification and pay administration, Risk Management, and Workers’ Compensation; coordinates activities with other City officials, departments, outside agencies and organizations; acts as Chief Spokesperson for the City in labor negotiations; provides responsible and complex staff support to the City Council and City Administrator, performs other related duties as required.
- Director of Information Technology
Under administrative direction, plans, manages, oversees and directs the Information Technology department of the City; provides leadership and management to ensure effective utilization of automated systems in support of improving and maximizing services and operations through the City; coordinates activities with other City officials, departments, outside agencies and organizations; provides responsible and complex staff support to the City Council and City Manager; performs other related duties as required.
- Director of Parks & Community Services
Under administrative direction, plans, manages, oversees and directs the operations and services of the Parks and Community Services Department which includes parks maintenance, facilities, recreation, golf course, senior services and transportation programs; coordinates activities with other City officials, departments, outside agencies and organizations; provides responsible and complex staff support to the City Council and City Administrator; performs other related duties as required.
- Electrical and Facilities Operations Manager
Under direction, supervises, evaluates and participates in the work of crews responsible for construction, repair and maintenance work in the City’s buildings, electrical systems, facilities and structures; ensures safe work practices, work quality and accuracy; maintains appropriate work records which may include time cards and work orders; serves as a technical resource for assigned work crews; performs other related duties as required.
- Electrician II
Under general supervision, performs the full array of skilled tasks assigned to the Electrician classification including electrical maintenance, repair and installation; demonstrates a full understanding of all applicable policies, procedures and work methods associated with assigned duties; performs other related duties as required.
- Electrician III
Under general supervision, performs the full array of skilled tasks assigned to the Electrician classification including electrical maintenance, repair and installation; demonstrates a full understanding of all applicable policies, procedures and work methods associated with assigned duties; performs other related duties as required.
- Engineering Project Manager
Under direction performs the more complex project management and construction management duties required by the City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP); provides direction, administration and management of public projects during design and construction phases including the selection of professional consultants and the procurement of construction contracts; analyzes special conditions/circumstances which arise on the projects; prepares and processes any and all documents involving contractors and consultants; reviews and processes change orders, requests for information, requests for clarifications, pay requests, claims; evaluates contractor bids prior to award. Performs other related duties as assigned.
- Engineering Technician I
Under immediate direction, performs a variety of basic para-professional office and field engineering tasks and duties, including production of plans and contract specifications for City projects, field surveying, plan checking of maps and deeds, and other routine engineering and drafting work; demonstrates a complete understanding of all applicable policies, procedures and work methods associated with assigned duties; performs other related duties as required.
- Engineering Technician II
Under general direction, performs a variety of para-professional office and field engineering tasks and duties, including production of plans and contract specifications for City projects, field surveying, plan checking of maps and deeds, and other routine engineering and drafting work; demonstrates a complete understanding of all applicable policies, procedures and work methods associated with assigned duties; performs other related duties as required.
- Engineering Technician III
Under general direction, performs a variety of para-professional office and field engineering tasks and duties, including production of plans and contract specifications for City projects, field surveying, plan checking of maps and deeds, simple project design, drafting, computations, data collection and analysis and other routine engineering and drafting work; demonstrates a complete understanding of all applicable policies, procedures and work methods associated with assigned duties; performs other related duties as required.
- Facilities Maintenance Technician
Under general direction, performs work of average to considerable difficulty in the journey-level performance of building maintenance, construction, repair and alteration of City facilities, buildings and equipment to include the primary fields of carpentry; plumbing; wood working and crafts work; electrical; heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC); etc.; demonstrates a full understanding of all applicable policies, procedures and work methods associated with assigned duties; performs other related duties as required.
- Financial Services Manager
Under direction, directs, coordinates and supervises the activities and operations of the a variety of functions within the Finance Department including budget development, general accounting, accounts payable, accounts receivable, auditing and reporting; coordinates assigned program activities with other program functions, City departments, outside agencies or organizations; supervises accounting staff; provides professional, administrative and technical support to the Director of Finance; performs other related duties as required.
- Fleet Operations Manager
Under general direction, performs a variety of management and administrative work in fleet operation and maintenance for the City; plans, directs, organizes, reviews and participates in the work of the equipment shop staff; develops, implements and enforces fleet and equipment shop operations; performs other related duties as required.
- Grant Administrator
Under administrative direction, plans, manages, oversees and directs the activities and operations of the Grants Division of the City; coordinates activities with other City officials, departments, outside agencies and organizations; provides responsible and complex staff support to the City Council and City Administrator; performs other related duties as required.
- Grants Specialist
Under general supervision, performs a variety of responsible grant administrative and secretarial duties for the director of a department or a major division; provides information regarding department policies, procedures and functions; performs other related duties as required. The length of the position is based on continual funding from government grants. The primary function of this position is to assist in the implementation of the Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program, Home ownership Classes, Down Payment Assistance Programs and Transit Programs. Although not required but preferred, the incumbent should have a working and speaking knowledge of the Spanish and English language.
- Human Resources Technician
Under general supervision, performs a variety of technical and administrative activities in support the City’s human resources program; performs related duties as required.
- Human Resources Technician II
Under general supervision, performs a variety of technical and administrative activities in support the City’s human resources program; performs related duties as required.
- Industrial Electrical Technician
Under general supervision, performs complex and technical work in testing, installation, calibrating, maintenance and repair of all pneumatic, electronic and electrical distribution and control circuits and automated systems commonly used in a modern waste water treatment plant, storm/sewer collection system, water distribution system and traffic/streetlights controls; demonstrates a full understanding of all applicable policies, procedures and work methods associated with assigned duties; performs other related duties as required.
- Lead Electrician
Under direction, leads, oversees, reviews and performs complex work activities and duties assigned to the Electrician crews; and technical work in testing, installation, calibrating, maintenance and repair of all pneumatic, electronic and electrical distribution and control circuits and automated systems commonly used in a modern waste water treatment plant, storm/sewer collection system, water distribution system and traffic/streetlights controls; demonstrates a full understanding of all applicable policies, procedures and work methods associated with assigned duties; performs other related duties as required.
- Maintenance Technician
Under general supervision, performs skilled, specialized work in the construction, maintenance, repair, and modification of municipal facilities and equipment in one or more Public Works Divisions; to provide technical advice on special plumbing, mechanical, carpentry, or welding problems; demonstrates a full understanding of all applicable policies, procedures and work methods associated with assigned duties; performs other related duties as required.
- Mechanic I
Under immediate supervision, performs routine and less complex tasks and duties assigned to classes within the Mechanic classification including service and assistance on mechanical repairs to automobiles, trucks, tractors, motor sweepers and other heavy and light power driven equipment; learns policies, procedures and work methods associated with assigned duties; performs other related duties as required.
- Mechanic II
Under general supervision, performs routine and complex tasks and duties assigned to classes within the Mechanic classification including service and mechanical repairs to automobiles, trucks, buses, tractors, motor sweepers and other heavy and light power driven equipment; maintains appropriate work records which may include City vehicle repair and inventory records; demonstrates a full understanding of all applicable policies, procedures and work methods associated with assigned duties; occasionally assists in the training and lead responsibilities of lower level mechanic positions; performs other related duties as required.
- Mechanic III
Under general supervision, performs routine and complex tasks and duties assigned to classes within the Mechanic classification including service and mechanical repairs to automobiles, trucks, buses, tractors, motor sweepers and other heavy and light power driven equipment; maintains appropriate work records which may include City vehicle repair and inventory records; demonstrates a full understanding of all applicable policies, procedures and work methods associated with assigned duties; occasionally assists in the training and lead responsibilities of lower level mechanic positions; performs other related duties as required.
- Neighborhood Outreach Assistant
Under general supervision, supports the neighborhood outreach programs; works with community groups and individuals in providing programs; provides public information and markets programs; ensures safe work practices and quality of programs; maintains appropriate work records; performs related duties as required.
- Neighborhood Outreach Coordinator
Under direction, plans, coordinates, supervises, schedules and evaluates neighborhood outreach programs; works with community groups and individuals in providing programs; provides public information and markets programs; ensures safe work practices and quality of programs; maintains appropriate work records; serves as a technical resource for assigned personnel; performs related duties as required.
- Network Administrator
Under general supervision, performs responsible computer support activities including administration and maintenance of the City’s network and stand alone personal computers including analysis of network performance and needs; installation and configuration of work stations, and various network components. Troubleshoots, diagnoses, and remedies system and/or equipment problems, provides technical assistance and training to end users, and maintains appropriate security, licensing, and documentation.
- Office Assistant I
Under immediate supervision, performs a wide variety of routine and less complex tasks and duties assigned to classes within the office support series including typing of forms, memoranda, correspondence and reports; assists callers and visitors by supplying information personally or directing information requests according to established procedures; sorts, logs and maintains records and other documents; performs basic payroll duties; learns policies, procedures and work methods associated with assigned duties; performs other related duties as required.
- Office Assistant II
Under general supervision, performs routine tasks and duties assigned to classes within the Office Assistant series by providing office, secretarial and administrative support to management staff and other staff as needed; interprets and applies policies, procedures and work methods associated with assigned duties; performs other related duties as required.
- Parking Enforcement Officer
The Parking Enforcement Officer is a part-time, at-will classification responsible for ensuring compliance with parking laws, ordinances, and regulations. The position typically works weekday daytime hours, however may work early mornings, evenings, and weekends to support the public’s use of parking facilities. The Parking Enforcement Officer must be dependable and timely in reporting to work in support of parking enforcement activities. The Parking Enforcement Officer must also be able to communicate and interact in a positive manner with the public while enforcing parking regulations and performing assigned duties.
- Parks Lead Worker
Under direction, leads, oversees, reviews and performs work activities and duties assigned to the Parks maintenance crews; prepares project cost and material estimates; assumes responsibility for the more difficult and complex tasks; performs other related duties as required.
- Parks Manager
The Parks Manager is the management level class responsible for directing the activities of a variety of parks services including the maintenance, repair and development of City parks, sport fields, landscaped areas, street medians, and related facilities and programs. This classification is distinguished from the next lower classification of Parks Lead Worker by overseeing multiple programs and operations as well as having the administrative responsibilities for the division.
- Parks Project Manager
Under direction, plans, supervises, and participates in capital projects, park planning, landscape planning, City trails and beautification projects, and land acquisition; oversees construction projects for parks and recreation facilities and city landscape improvements; prepares and administers construction contracts; provides responsible and complex staff assistance to the Director of Parks and Community Services; supervises, evaluates and participates in the work of personnel responsible for operation of the division; assumes management of other divisions/units within the Parks and Community Services Department when so directed; performs other related duties as required.
- Parks Supervisor
Under direction, plans, coordinates, assigns, participates in, directs and supervises the day-to-day operation and maintenance of the City’s parks and recreation facilities and landscape areas; assists in the training of lower level Parks positions; performs other related duties as required.
- Parks Worker I
Under general supervision, performs routine and less complex, semi-skilled tasks and duties assigned to classes in the Parks Worker series including maintenance and repair of parks, landscaped areas, street medians and related facilities; learns policies, procedures and work methods associated with assigned duties; performs other related duties as required.
- Parks Worker II
Under general supervision, performs the full array of duties assigned to classes in the Parks Worker series including maintenance and repair of parks, landscaped areas, street medians and related facilities; operates parks equipment, including tractors, loaders, mowers, wood chippers and related maintenance vehicles; demonstrates a full understanding of all applicable policies, procedures and work methods associated with assigned duties; assists in the training of lower level maintenance staff; performs other related duties as required.
- Parks Worker III
Under general supervision, performs the full array of duties assigned to classes in the Parks Worker series including maintenance and repair of parks, landscaped areas, street medians and related facilities; performs installation, design, maintenance and repair of irrigation systems; demonstrates a full understanding of all applicable policies, procedures and work methods associated with assigned duties; assists in the training of lower level maintenance staff; performs other related duties as required.
- Payroll Specialist
Under general supervision, plans, organizes and reviews the work of the Finance Department payroll section; performs the full array of para-professional accounting duties involved in the processing of payroll and the maintenance of the payroll system; reviews and reconciles payroll reports and prepares journal entries; provides information to departments and employees regarding payroll issues; performs other related duties as required.
- Permit Technician
Under direction, reviews applications for and issues permits in accordance with building, zoning, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, housing and related codes and regulations governing the construction, alteration, repair and use of buildings and structures; provides excellent customer service for customers of the Community Development customer counter; performs other related duties as required.