Affordable housing programs are to provide and maintain safe, decent affordable housing for all residents of the City of Madera through a variety of housing programs. To achieve these goals, the City has developed programs to assist eligible individuals and households with a variety of housing needs. Explore our grant submittals here.
The City’s Housing Programs with qualifications that are dependent upon family income being “lower income” as defined by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development adjusted annually is the first factor in determining program eligibility by Housing Program staff.
Contact Information:
Call: 1 (559) 661-3689 to make an appointment with the Program Manager.
FAX: 1 (559) 674-2972
Address: 205 West Fourth Street, Madera, CA 93637
Available Housing Programs:
The program was designed by the City of Madera to assist low income households in the purchase of a home within the city limits of Madera.
Information and Requirements:
The Program was designed by the City of Madera to assist as many eligible households as the existing funds will support to restore their homes in order to meet the Uniform Building Code and “safe, decent and sanitary” standards established by the City of Madera’s Building Division.
Contact Information:
Call: 1 (559) 661-3689 to make an appointment with The Program Manager.
FAX: 1 (559) 674-2972
Address: 205 West Fourth Street, Madera, CA 93637
Information and Requirements:
Information Needed to Determine Your Eligibility for Rehabilitation Services:
Occupied Rehabilitation Program Application