City of Madera
City Clerk

Department Overview

The office of the City Clerk has three main functions: to perform the legal duties of the Clerk of the Council; to serve as municipal elections officer; and to maintain the official records of the City.


Included in the duties of the Clerk to the Council is the preparation of the Council agenda and related material; preparation and indexing of Council meeting minutes, and processing of ordinances, resolutions and other official documents. The duties as municipal elections officer include assisting Council candidates with filing nomination papers, statements of economic interests and campaign financial statements. In maintaining official City records, the Clerk maintains the Madera Municipal Code and serves as local filing officer for the Fair Political Practices Commission. In summary, the City Clerk documents the history of the City of Madera.



The Madera Municipal Code is a compilation of all the regulatory, penal and administrative laws of general application of the City of Madera, codified pursuant to the authority contained in California Government Code Section 50022.2.

The Municipal Code is updated, at minimum, semi-annually.  The online Municipal Code is current through Ordinance No. 1004 C.S. adopted 11/15/23 and may be viewed here.

Ordinances not yet published may be viewed by clicking here. For additional information, contact the Office of the City Clerk using the contact information section of this webpage.



Council Meeting Agendas
Enterprise Systems Catalog




Contact Information

City Clerk's Office
205 W 4th Street
Madera, CA 93637

1 (559) 661-5405

1 (559) 674-2972

Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

Lunch Hour
Monday-Friday 12pm–1pm

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