ATTENTION: Effective December 19, 2024, The City of Madera Building Department will only be accepting digital plans and supplementary documents along with permit applications.
In an effort to reduce paper waste, mailing costs and delays, and the expense and inconvenience of printing multiple copies of construction documents required for a building permit application, the City of Madera has developed an Electronic Plan Check Program (EPC).
On December 19, 2024, our Building Department at City of Madera started asking building permit applicants that Instead of sets of construction plans, application and support documents on paper you now have to submit the same materials as PDF files for the electronic plan review process.
CLICK HERE to access the complete guidelines prepared to standardize the format of the files and the way they should be submitted:
All electronic permit applications, plans and supplementary documents shall be in PDF format and submitted in one of the following ways:
- Submit documents in a non-returnable flash drive in person at our Front Counter between the hours of 9AM to 4PM.
- Submit documents through a DropBox. Upload your files to your own DropBox and email a link to our Front Counter.
- If the PDF files are small enough to be emailed, or if you are applying for an Over-The-Counter Permit, you can email the permit application, plans and supplementary documents through an email.
- For Over-the-Counter Permits:
- For Plot Plan Permits:
- For Solar (PV) Permits:
- For Other Permits please contact the Front Counter
Check out the following resources to help you understand more about how the building permit process works in Madera.
- Building Process
When do I need a building permit?
Most new construction and remodeling projects require a building permit. Any time you add or modify plumbing, electrical or mechanical equipment, you will also need a permit.
Certain kinds of work are exempt from permitting requirements. Read more about exempt activities here. Examples of work you do not need a permit for include:
- A one-story garden shed or playhouse less than 120 square feet in size with no plumbing or electrical.
- Surface treatments (paint, tile, etc.)
- On-site cement work
- Fences that are six feet or less in height
Steps in the Building Permit Process
The building permit process typically involves a series of steps in which a homeowner or builder submits an application and gets a plan checked and approved by the Building Department. Permits for simple projects can be issued within a day or two, while more extensive projects may take 6 to 8 weeks. A summary of the typical steps in the permit process is described below.
- Deliver all submittal requirements to the Building Department.
- Building Department will perform a plan check if required.
- Make corrections to plans if necessary.
- Building Department will complete a “back-check.”
- Building Department will issue a permit.
- Start construction on your project.
- Call for inspections as required by the permit.
Inspection Requests MUST be received 24 Hours in Advance. 1 (559) 661-5445
- Passing a “Final Inspection” will complete the permitting process.
- Building Submittal Requirements
Minor Permits
Examples of minor permits include the following: single room remodels, window replacements, air conditioning system installation.
- Description of Work. Provide one or more drawings showing the existing condition and proposed construction, sufficiently detailed to show the work being done.
- Fees. The Building Department will calculate building Permit Fees for your project. Fees must be paid before the permit will be issued.
Major Remodels and New Construction
- Site Plan or Plot Plan
Site Plan. If the Planning Department required a site plan review (SPR) for your project, submit the approved site plan with your building permit application.
Plot Plan. A basic plot plan template is provided for projects where a site plan review is not required. This should be used primarily for single-family construction.
Building Plan Requirements - Single Family Residential
Building Plan Requirements - Non-Residencial, Commercial and Industrial
- Fees. The Building Department will calculate plan Check Fees for your project. Plan Check fees must be paid before your application will be accepted. When your permit is ready to be issued, building permit and development impact fees will be calculated.
Additional Information
Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms Self-Certification Form
Patio Plans with Top Plate or Ledger Connection
Eligibility List for Expedite PV Solar
CalGREEN Construction & Demolition Guide
- Additional Contacts
Rafael Magallan
Chief Building Official
1 (559) 661-5446
rmagallan@madera.govDan Cook
Combination Building Inspector
Commercial Projects
1 (559) 661-5438
dcook@madera.govJesus Vazquez
Plans Examiner
1 (559) 662-4917
jvazquez@madera.govStephanie Escobedo
Administrative Assistant
1 (559) 661-5085
sescobedo@madera.govIsabel Escobar
Building Permit Technician
1 (559) 661-5441
iescobar@madera.govMatthew S. Tarr, FPE
Interim Fire Marshal
1 (559) 661-5442
mtarr@madera.govBuilding & Fire Inspection Request Line (Message Only) -
Inspection Requests MUST be received 24 Hours in Advance. Please call
1 (559) 661-5445.- Issued Permits
Permits are posted monthly by the 5th for the previous month's activity.
- Completed Permits
Permits are posted monthly by the 5th for the previous month's activity.
- Automated Residential Solar Permits (SolarAPP+)
Licensed Contractors Self Service Permits
Licensed contractors can now submit:
- Residential roof-mounted photovoltaic designs for automated review through SolarAPP+.
Automated Solar Plan Review
Before applying for an automated solar plan review and solar permit, projects must follow certain requirements.
- At this time, Solar APP+ is designed to provide a code-compliance check for the majority of residential, roof-mounted, retrofit photovoltaic systems.
- To see which systems are eligible, please refer to the SolarAPP+ Eligibility Checklist. Only projects that conform to this list are eligible to use the automated SolarAPP+ portal for instant permitting.
Using SolarAPP+
Step 1: Eligibility to Use SolarAPP+
- Main dwelling rooftop, permitted, residential structures only.
- Licensed Contractors Only (Non-licensed/owner-builders must apply for a regular Solar Permit with a regular Plan Check process.)
- Please review the SolarAPP+ Eligibility Checklist for acceptable projects.
- Solar projects non-eligible for the Automated Plan Review must apply for a regular Solar Permit with a Regular Plan Check Process.
Step 2: Submit for Automated Review Through SolarApp+
- Submit Solar/Photovoltaic design at
- Click Login or Register to get started.
- Have Contractors license information available to complete this step.
- A processing fee will be charged by SolarApp+ NREL.
- You will be provided with a SolarAPP+ Approval Document, which is generated ONLY when approved.
- An Inspection Checklist will be generated ONLY when approved. See inspection checklist sample.
- All the applicable permit fees will be assessed per the City of Madera Master Fee Schedule. Follow the prompts to make permit fees payment online.
- Print the provided permit documents.
Step 3: Obtain a City of Madera Permit
- SolarAPP+ will email directly to City of Madera copies of the Approval Document and Inspection Checklist.
- You will receive an email within 24 business hours containing the City of Madera permit number (for example, 20231482), which is needed for scheduling inspections.
- For Revisions (see the SolarAPP+ Revisions section below).
Step 4: Schedule Your Inspection
- Field solar representative shall verify the inspection checklist and sign the document confirming completion prior to inspection.
- Requests for Building Inspections made before 4:00 pm Monday through Friday will be scheduled for the following workday.
- Any requests received after 4:00 pm will be scheduled for the 2nd day following the call.
- Call in for inspections at 1 (559) 661-5445. You will be directed to leave a message for your inspection. Please leave the following information:
- Permit Number (for example, 20231482)
- Jobsite Address
- Type of Inspection Requested
- Day (Date) you are requesting the inspection to be carried out
- You may request AM (8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) or PM (1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.)
- Leave the job site contact person’s phone number in case the inspector needs it.
- Any special instructions such as lockbox information, etc.
- The Permit, SolarApp+ Approval Document, and Inspection Checklist and specifications must be printed for inspection and at the job site at all times for inspection purposes.
- A reinspection fee will be applied if work is not ready or if the Permit and Approval documents are not printed and at the job site or if revisions are not completed via SolarApp+ prior to scheduling an inspection.
- To cancel an inspection, call the Building Department at 1 (559) 661-5440 immediately. If we are not properly notified of a cancellation, a reinspection fee will be applied and shall be paid prior to rescheduling an inspection.
SolarAPP+ Revisions
- ANY proposed changes to previously approved plans shall be submitted for review/approval, prior to doing the work and prior to scheduling an inspection, and a plan change fee shall be assessed.
- Submit your revision through SolarAPP+ first (
- Follow Steps 2, 3, and 4 above.
- You will be provided with a revised SolarAPP+ Approval Document and Inspection List.
- Download and Print your Approval Document, Inspection List, and permit documents.
- If the scope of the revision makes the project ineligible for use of SolarAPP+, please Contact the Building Department to coordinate the revision submittal process.
SolarAPP+ Tutorials and FAQs
Details about the SolarApp are available in a YouTube instructional video.
- Solar Permits - Regular Plan Check Process
Construction Requirements
All construction requirements are based on the California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 24:
- 2022 California Residential Code
- 2022 California Electrical Code
- 2022 California Mechanical Code
- 2022 California Plumbing Code
- 2022 California Fire Code
- 2022 California Building Code
- 2022 California Green Building Code
- Madera Municipal Code
Hard Copy Submittals:
Two complete sets of plans with a complete permit application for the first submittal (if submitting hard copy plans) shall be delivered to the Building Division located at Madera City Hall, 205 W. 4th Street, Madera, CA 93637
Electronic Submittals:
For Electronic submittals see the “Electronic Photovoltaic Plan Submittal” guidelines.
Plans shall be drawn to scale, be on substantial paper (minimum 11" x 17") and are required to be ink drawn. All sheets within each plan set shall have the same page size. All required data Sheets shall be incorporated into the plan set on sheets of the same page size (minimum 11" x 17"). Plans are to be prepared and signed by a State of California licensed contractor with any of the following classifications “A”, “B”, “C-46”, “C-10”, or a licensed electrical engineer. All plans prepared by design professionals shall bear the seal and wet signature of the professional. If the plans are prepared by a licensed contractor, provide the signature and contractor license number on each sheet. Electronic or digital signatures will be accepted.
Any deviation from the standards contained in these instructions may result in a delay in the processing of your application, and additional structural calculations or other information may be required to be submitted for review.
Provide all the following information as applicable:
- Permit Application:
- Accurate description of work to be performed.
- Project address.
- Owner information.
- Contractor information.
- Valuation.
- Signed by Applicant or Applicant’s Authorized Agent.
- Construction Documents:
- Plan Set Cover Sheet
- Project address.
- Vicinity Map
- Owner’s name and phone number.
- Name and address of designer.
- Provide a Scope of Work and an accurate description of work to be performed. NOTE 1: Any changes to the already approved plans trigger the need for an Addendum or Plan Change application.
NOTE 2: If an Addendum or Plan Change, submit to our Front Counter a “PV Plan Change / Addendum” application clearly indicating what the changes are. Also, provide the revised plans noting the proposed changes on the Cover Sheet under the Scope of Work section, and also on the line diagram and any other impacted sheets.
- Provide the proposed system capacity in kw
- List of all equipment or system components to be installed: (PV Modules, Inverters, Main panel Upgrades, Sub Panels, Combiner Panels, Energy Storage Devices, RSDs, Optimizers, Existing PV systems, etc.)
- List of all applicable most current California Codes.
- Clearly indicate if the residence is equipped with fire sprinklers.
- Provide an accurate Sheet index.
- Provide a legend for all symbols, abbreviations, etc.
- Plan Set Cover Sheet
- Site Plan
- Show the Lot with Property lines and footprint of existing residence and other existing structures.
- Street(s) shown and labeled.
- Include a North Arrow.
- Show and clearly label the locations of all Equipment and system components. (PV Modules, Inverters, Main panel Upgrades, Sub Panels, Combiner Panels, RSDs, Optimizers, Energy Storage Devices, Transfer Switches, Disconnects, Existing PV systems, etc.)
- Site Plan
- Roof (These requirements apply to roof assemblies with a slope greater than 2:12)
- Show Fire Setbacks (Setback between horizontal ridges or hips and valleys and PV arrays.)
- Setback dimensions.
- Clearly indicate the % of plan view of roof top that PV array(s) cover.
- Add a note indicating whether the residence is currently equipped with fire sprinklers or not.
- Show Access Pathways (Pathway from roofs lowest edge to Fire Setbacks on same plane, adjacent plane, or straddling same and adjacent planes.)
- 2 Access Pathways will be required with a minimum width of 36”.
- 1 of the Access pathways must be from the street side of the residence. (In front of the fence.)
- Access Pathways shall be located in areas capable of supporting fire fighters accessing the roof.
- Access Pathways shall be located in areas with minimal obstructions.
- Emergency Escape and Rescue Openings
- PV modules shall not be installed below such openings.
- A path no less than 36” shall be provided to such openings.
- Show Fire Setbacks (Setback between horizontal ridges or hips and valleys and PV arrays.)
- Roof (These requirements apply to roof assemblies with a slope greater than 2:12)
- Structural (Provide information clearly addressing all the following)
- Roof must be capable of supporting the weight of the PV system.
- The PV system shall be installed on a roof having only one roofing layer with no overlays.
- Will the PV system weigh maximum 4 pounds per square feet or less?
- Will the PV system be installed with a space of 2” minimum to 10” maximum between the underside of modules and the surface of the roof?
- Will the PV system be installed without using any ballast system or counter-weight system?
- Will the anchors be installed with a maximum horizontal anchor spacing of 6 feet and is this maximum horizontal spacing shown on the plans?
- Show points of attachment within array on rafters/trusses. Ensure maximum span and cantilever indicated in data sheet are met.
- Show expanded view of attachment and the build-up of roofing, attachment mechanism, flashing, and sealing.
- Will the minimum 5/16” lag screws be installed with a minimum of 2-1/2 inch embedment into roof rafters (with pre-drilled holes), and is this minimum embedment shown on the plans?
- All structural plan sheets prepared by a design professional (California licensed professional engineer) shall be stamped and signed by the professional (including project specific site plan, PV layout, anchorage spacing, anchorage details and manufacturer’s PV support information).
- Structural (Provide information clearly addressing all the following)
- Electrical
- Show complete electrical single line or three-line diagram.
- Provide equipment schedule with respective ratings/electrical characteristics.
- 120% Rule, CEC 705.12(D)(2)(3)(b): Provide electrical calculations supporting the allowed Solar Backfed Breaker.
- Show rating of all overcurrent protection devices. Provide electrical calculations supporting the proposed overcurrent protection devices.
- Provide a Conductor (wire) Schedule including sizes, types, and quantities. Provide electrical calculations supporting the proposed conductor sizes and types.
- On the Conductor Schedule, show all conduit sizes and types.
- Is the Main Service Panel existing or to be upgraded?
- Provide Electrical load calculations to support the proposed derating of the Main Service Breaker.
- Provide information clearly describing any New or Existing Energy storage systems.
- Provide information clearly describing any proposed electric meter socket adaptors (GMAs).
- Provide information clearly describing any other New or Existing interconnected power sources (PV systems, generators, turbines, etc.), and indicate if they are either Non-RSD or RSD compliant.
- Electrical
- Labeling
- Show all applicable labeling in color.
- Directory placard.
- Show location of array(s), equipment, and point of connection.
- Show dotted line around exiting arrays that do not conform to the Rapid Shut Down requirements per 2022 CEC 690.56(C)(2).
- Labeling
- Data Sheets
- Attach manufacturer’s specifications, equipment list, installation instruction sheets and UL listings on the plans for all the following (as applicable):
- Inverters/Micro-inverters.
- PV modules.
- RSD Devices/Optimizers.
- Racking (Please provide the basic data sheet, not the entire installation guide.)
- Attachment system.
- Array bonding.
- Combiner panels.
- Main Service Panels/Sub Panels.
- Monitoring systems.
- Batteries/Energy storage.
- Transfer switches.
- Specialty Electrical Equipment (Green Meter Adapters, EV chargers, etc.)
- Data Sheets
- Page Size and Orientation
- All sheets within each plan set shall have the same page size (Minimum 11”x 17”)
- Plan sheets shall be printed on one side only.
- Submittal documents may be rejected if incomplete or not properly oriented. All plans must be oriented so the top of the page is always at the top of the monitor and set to landscape. A north arrow must be provided on all plans.
- All supplemental information must be oriented so the top of the page is always at the top of the monitor in either portrait or landscape format based on the supporting documents provided.
- All sheets with supplemental information must be sized at 11”x 17”.
- All plan sheets shall be to scale. Example ¼” = 1 ft.
- Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations
This page is under construction.
- Building Permit & Inspection Fees
Building Permit & Inspection Fees
Fees charged for plan checking, inspection, and permit issuance in conjunction with building projects. Building Permit and Inspection fees are applied to new construction, remodeling, and installation of equipment. Examples of projects where fees are applied include the construction of a new home or office, a bathroom remodel, installation of an air conditioning unit, and installation of a new roof or new windows.
Click on the following link to view Building Permit and Inspection Fees
Master Fee Schedule
To view a list of all fees required for building, development, facility rentals, planning, police, permits, public works and more, click to view the City of Madera's Master Fee Schedule.
Building & Development Fees
Building and Development fees are approved annually through the adoption of the City of Madera Master Fee Schedule. The intent of each fee is to collect a portion of the total cost of each activity. Fees in the following categories are generally applied to building and development projects in the City.
Click on the following link to see more information:
- Accessibility for Small Businesses
The purpose of this Accessibility Guidelines for Small Businesses is to provide an overview and explanation of some basic accessibility requirements of the State of California for small businesses that provide goods and services to the public in general.
It is important to note that, in addition to the accessibility requirements of the State of California, compliance with accessibility regulations set forth in the current governing Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is also required.
Also, it is important to understand that the ADA is enforced by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and through private lawsuits. The State of California has clarified that the ADA shall not be enforced by local building departments.
Local building departments enforce all the applicable provisions of Chapter 11B of the CBC.
This document is intended to provide explanation and technical guidance to owners of small businesses of the accessibility regulations of the State of California as applied to places of businesses.
Under the current governing regulations, places of businesses are considered public accommodations and commercial buildings.
It is not the intent of this guideline to provide any advice on the application of the building code regulations to any specific conditions or project by text or illustrations. The pictures provided in this guideline are shown to illustrate and explain a specific code requirement. It is highly recommended the actual governing code and regulations be consulted for accessibility requirements applicable to any specific conditions or projects.
The user of this guideline is hereby advised to consult with a California licensed architect or a California Certified Access Specialist (CASp) for evaluation and application of accessibility regulations to any project under consideration.
Click on the following link for more information regarding building owner's responsibilities, Certified Access Specialists Inspection services, and other resources:
- Links to CA Building Codes
This page is under construction.
- Applications, Forms & Handouts
This page is under Construction.
- Additional Contacts