Airport (MAE)

The Madera Municipal Airport is a general aviation airport owned and operated by the City of Madera and centrally located in the heart of California. The airport is situated on approximately 524 acres on the northwest edge of the City of Madera and is supervised by the Madera Public Works DepartmentThe airport is self-supporting and does not receive any subsidies from the City. Revenues from the airport fund the cost of operations and maintenance, with the surplus going into the enterprise Airport Fund.

The Madera Municipal Airport is a non-towered airport. As a result, instead of logging flight plans with the airport or receiving instructions from a tower controller, pilots follow FAA-recommended procedures.

Low-Flying Aircraft Complaints:
Contact the FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) in Fresno at 559-454-0286. Please read here before contacting.

Airport Staff Hours:
Monday-Friday 7:00 am to 4:00 pm